Groundswell Two ( ideas for an exhibition )
This blog has been set up to discuss ideas and thoughts relating to the possibility of an exhibition of work under the running title of Groundswell Two. ------------ The artworks and ideas here within will be and are not an indication to the final exhibition if and when it happens... As well as not limited to the City of Derby ------We are also looking for new artists to get involved, so if you are please go to my profile and e-mail your interest.... George Harris
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Sunday, November 26, 2006
images from Groundswell Two exhibition
more to follow soon but here are a selection of images from the Groundswell Two show... including the opening night...... the experiment in time on closing night went very well to the extent it would have brought closing time half an hour earlier.... in which it wasn't enacted... images from the that evening will be coming soon...
Groundswell Two has now finished, but negotiations will be taking place regarding part three....

Thursday, November 16, 2006
Groundswell Two Time changing event
An event will be taking place on the final night of the Groundswell Two show on the 24 November where it involves Time... meet at Green Lane outside Metro Cinema at 7pm... the exhibition will be on until that time so come early and view the rest of the work and then come along to an experiment. as follows........................................

Sunday, November 12, 2006
Exhibition begins
yes the Groundswell Two exhibition has begun... we had a opening night on friday 10, a few came along... the work looks good... you can check out Petter and Riikkas project Retraced online
the site is going to be live for a year... after the Groundswell two exhibition finishes...
opening night rushing round in the last minute to sort it, thankyou to Ruth Strange for sign outside and some wine pouring...
it was raining and there were a couple of other opening nights in other gallery spaces... but i was happy with turn out...
as a whole i feel the exhibition is better than the first... time will tell....
i will be posting images from exhibiton space up on the blog when i get them...
we managed to get a catalogue done through Print House in Normanton / Derby...
200 for £140
i will be putting this on line soon as a pdf download
the performance piece Solomon Grey and Marmalade Masters by Vic Pozzetron was beautifully great, were hoping to put a video recording of it within the space...
as Phil said 'it brought a tear to ones eye'....
as a whole show
i still can't believe its actually come together, no funding only what we got through the nights at Five Lamps... £325 altogether...
thinking about the future ...
an idea about bringing the entire project together within a publication, properly put together... as a next stage .... but this is only an idea at present and im sure there may be a Groundswell Three...
more to come, images text, etc from Groundswell Two show
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Exhibition starts next week
Groundswell Two pdf document downloads
press release
things going abit crazy lately, keeeping focused.... looking forward to the fund raiser tomorrow...
we have now got someone called Cecilia whom plays Hurdy Gurdy - i spotted at city zen the other night... alongside the rest of the line up... also a group called NYZD whom interact and play within the audience......

well im looking forward to it....
see you there....
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Exhibition dates
Friday 10 - 24 November at Green Lane Campus...
Preview on Friday 10 Nov at 6 - 8/8.30pm
applogies for any confusion...
more info to follow.....
see below post for next funding night
all the best
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Sunday, October 01, 2006
thanks for attending the 29th event
Just a quick post about the 29th event at Five Lamps...
it went very well, manage to get alot of people in.... The Dust Collectors with Corey Mwamba and Walt Shaw, worked... a great sound apart from pa going abit weird...
im getting some good feedback from night... this bodes well for second event which will be taking place at Five Lamps again same times but on 3 Nov with Meandervent, Blue Yonder, etc
£2 in with donations welcome.... we made around £210 for the 29th event just gone so its a good start...
more news to come soon....
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Friday, August 25, 2006
Groundswell Two fund raising Nights

Hi we have confirmation of two dates for fund raising nights at the Five Lamps / Derby... Both Fridays on September 29 and October 27... I will be DJing at both, we have asked the Dust Collectors to perform with the Men Without Eyes Film for the first night, still waiting on confirmation as well as other acts we have in mind... we are still looking for people to be involved, so please get in touch with me here or via myspace or e-mail me at georgeharrisphoto at gmail dot com as soon as possible...